First families of St. Ann parish – Redux

Updated 21 August 2021

One more name has been highlighted.

 Original post

Remember this post with a list of names?

Joe gave me this when I went to see him back in September 2012.

It was the list of the First families of St. Ann parish in Bristol, Connecticut. 

Click on the link below to the PDF file.

(families of St. Ann in Bristol)

I have copied that list here making it easier for people searching for their roots.

First families of St. Ann parish  Bristol, Connecticut (people in bold are somewhat related…

Jean Baptiste Alexandre Joseph Gervais Aime Millette
Pierre Allaire Joseph Giguère Jules Moquin
Joseph Auclair David Girard Steven Moquin
George Bachand Henri Gosselin Jean-Baptiste Monty
Rodolphe Beaudoin Louis Grenier Jean-Baptiste Myers
Joseph Béchard David Grisé Jean-Baptiste Paré
Moise Beloin Ernest Guimond Didyme Pelletier
William Benoit Emile Hamel Oscar Perreault
Joseph Bleau Eustache Jodoin Joseph Phaneuf
Joseph Boucher Alfred Joyal Philippe Pion
Alexandre Boutot Léon Lacourse Jean-Baptiste Pratt
Leandre Breault Octave Lacourse Frank Ritchie
Napoléon Breault Frank Lagasse Oliva Roberge
Joseph Carignan Louis Lagasse Philimon Rondeau
Arthur Choinière Stanislas Lagasse Joseph Rondeau
Zéphir Choinière J. Albert Lamoureux Adrien Taillon
Emilien Côté Joseph Lamoureux Odilon Taillon
Louis Côté Jean-Baptiste Landry Zoël Taillon
Joseph Courville Joseph Landry Joseph Terrien
Joseph Couture Napoléon Landry Philias Thibault
Albert Daigneault Louis LaPierre Joseph Turcotte
Gilbert Desrosiers Elzéar LaRocque Alfred Valentin
Eugène Dubé Alfred Lebeau Édouard Valentin
Joseph Dubé Honora Lebeau George Vanesse
Napoléon Dubé Joseph Lebeau Louis Vanesse
Télesphore Dufresne Osias Lebeau
Edmond Duquette Didace Lebrun
Napoléon Duquette George Lessard
Alfred Duval Charles Letoumeau
Arthur Duval Bruno L’Heureux
Joseph Faucher Philippe L’Heureux
Albert Fontaine Anthony Lupien
Lévi Fournier Fanie Lupien
Joseph Galipeau Philippe Marchand
Gédéon Gamache Ephrem Marcotte
Wilfred Gauthier Maxime Maynard
Emery Gaudreau Zéphirin Maynard
Pierre Gaudreau Omer Melançon
Isidore Ménard

I had added this part for a little history of that parish…

Parish History
St. Ann Church
Established 1908

Almost 1400 households

During the late 19th century, waves of French Catholics migrated to Connecticut from Canada and Maine. With 200 French families in Bristol by 1905, three representatives met with Bishop Michael A. Tierney to request a separate parish for French-Canadians. As a result, Father Joseph P. Perreault was appointed first pastor on November 28 at the old Town Hall on Main Street.

By January 1908, the liturgical celebrations were moved to the second floor of the J.H. Sessions and Son factory on North Main Street.

A site for a parish church was selected in July at the corner of West and Gaylord streets. A basement church was erected and hosted its first Mass on Christmas Day 1908.

Father Perreault next planned a school and convent to fulfill the desires of his parishioners for a Catholic education for their children.

St. Ann School opened on September 4, 1918, staffed by the Sisters of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. On December 20, 1953, Archbishop Henry J. O’Brien dedicated a new St. Ann Church on top of the old basement church.

In 1982 the Sisters of the Assumption departed, and the school became lay-staffed, eventually closing in June 1989.

St. Ann Church

215 West Street, Bristol CT 06010
Mailing Address: 180 Laurel Street, Bristol CT 06010
Telephone: 860-582-8169   Fax: 860-585-7139
Deanery: Bristol
Vicariate: Waterbury

I am related to the Lagasses on that list: Frank, Louis and Stanislas. Most people on that list are related somehow. The Dubés, the Lagasses, the Alexanders, the Maynards, the Myers…

Frank Lagasse’s real name was François-Xavier Lagacé, Louis Lagasse was Louis Lagacé and Stanislas Lagasse… well, he was my great-grandfather Stanislas Lagacé, the well-known celebrity among Our Ancestors on this blog. 

Stanilas Lagacé (aka Dennis Lagasse)

Sometimes people find my blog and that list, and they contact me.

Contacting me is a way to feed this blog about our ancestors. If you wish to contact me in 2015 you can write a comment or use this contact form.


Published by

Pierre Lagacé

Retired school teacher and amateur historian Enseignant retraité et historien amateur

6 thoughts on “First families of St. Ann parish – Redux”

  1. Hi Pierre,

    As you know, I am related to many of the folks on the St. Ann’s Parish page. I just now realized that many of the families were descendents of Acadian exiles who established the parish of L’Acadie in Quebec after they were not allowed to return to Nova Scotia. St. Anne’s had been their church in Nova Scotia, and then when they founded the parish of L’Acadie in Quebec, they of course constructed a new St. Anne’s.

    By the mid 1800s, many of the families had migrated south to Stanbridge-East in Canada, where they stayed for a generation or two, before migrating down south to Bristol, CT. Of course they would once again establish a St. Ann’s church. I’ve always wondered what caused so many of the families to leave L’Acadie, Quebec for Stanbridge East. I think many of the men may have fought in the war of 1812 and been given land grants.

    If anyone can explain that leg of the migration, please let me know…. but it is certainly fascinating to watch the families hang together for hundreds of years.

    Carol Valentine

  2. Sais pas ce qu’il est advenu du commentaire que j’ai tapé ce matin (sans doute perdu quelque part dans l’ether internetien), mais ça allait plus ou moins comme suit:

    ”Joseph Bleau”


    Peut-être es-tu parent (de (très?) loin) avec Gustave Bleau, premier curé de la paroisse Sainte-Louise-de-Marillac que j’ai habitée à compter du milieu des années 50 et en l’honneur duquel on a rebaptisé une rue du quartier (l’ancienne rue Leney, à une rue au sud de Sherbrooke Est)?

    1. Le Jos Bleau était marié à Helen Alexandre, la fille de Philomène Lagacé, la soeur de Stanislas Lagacé.

  3. Je crois savoir pourquoi. J’ai inséré mon commentaire par mégarde dans la case au-dessus (ton ”contact form”). Quant à savoir pourquoi tu ne l’as pas reçu… mystère.

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